A First-Class Pleasure and Intimacy Coach and Healer.

I am Emm-ahh

Life is meant to be fun! Our bodies are designed to feel states of ecstatic bliss, naturally. I am aware that all of creation is frequency and that it is the contents of our minds, particularly the subconscious programming, which is creating our experience of reality. I am aware that we all pick up beliefs from our upbringing which we store in our subconscious. I love sharing all the tools I have learned to clear energetic blocks which may have been stifling a hitherto inaccessible aspect of the Self, as well as offering a sacred and supportive container, either via Zoom or in person to help clients “let shit go”.

My Philosophy

I love people, am fascinated by the mind-body connection and the practices of Somatic Healing, which is releasing past trauma through breath, sound and movement. I am a gifted coach and healer and love supporting clients with their personal transformations.

I love honouring the Seasons and cycles of the Earth and the body. I find practising rituals and doing ceremonies supports my nervous system in the chaotic times in which we live.

I am British and have been practising Druidry for at least 18 years. I am a practising member of the Wicca focussed Queen of Hearts Tea Party and the Pixie Circle. Together we hold ceremonies at British Festivals and offer a weekly space to meet and practise witchcraft, to bring more peace, love and innerstanding to the Worldwide Community. I am very happy working with differently-abled and neurodiverse individuals.

I am also a singer/songwriter with an alter ego called Violetta Vibration, who is audacious and lots of fun.

I look forward to meeting you and embarking on your journey together.

Love and Blessings,

Emma Tubmen

About Me

My Journey

I have been practising yoga all my life, and trained as a VITA (Vital and Integrated Tantric Approach) coach with Layla Martin in 2023/4, and with Taoist expert Jade Lotus (The Art of The Bedchamber) in 2023/4, studying Tantric and Taoist modalities. I have also been a student of Urtema Dolphin (Glastonbury Tor Ceremonialist and Sound Healer) and Kahreela Anhara (Channel at The Starlight Temple) since 2012.

I was born a Highly Sensitive Person. Having been brought up in a strict Christian household with an intense mainstream public school education, I had a nervous breakdown when I was 17. This seemed to ‘crack me open’ and I became a raver in the 90s and found freedom of expression in that community.

I did most of an Art Foundation after boarding school and then went to live in Paris for two months before starting University at Middlesex. I have a BA in Psychology with Community Art. Realising that my degree left me with no transferable skills and still feeling very unconfident, I worked as an English teacher in Greece for a year, then went travelling solo in India for four months to ‘find myself’. I developed a strong connection to Spirit and having spent time in Amma’s ashram I took on some of the Yogic practises of meditation and mindfulness and have found these habits to stand me in good stead for the rest of my life.

I trained as a massage therapist in 2001 and I have been a licensed complementary therapist ever since. I took my massage and healing business to festivals in England and love that lifestyle.

I was married for 18 years to a wonderful man, and in the early days we founded a Company called Binglybongly Productions, which put on events with djing, drumming and shiatsu massage in different venues in London. I worked in the company until I became pregnant with my first child. After much soul-searching, when the children were in their early teens, I found that I needed more freedom to express myself so I extracted myself with as much tact and diplomacy as I could muster and we now live near each other in South London and have two teenagers whom we share!

“Tantra says, accept whatsoever you are. You are a great mystery of many multidimensional energies. Accept it, and move with every energy with deep sensitivity, with awareness, with love, with understanding.” ~ Osho

“Receiving Emma's hands on healing was one of the most amazing spiritual healings I've had. Every single movement, sound she made was perfectly in alignment with the body and the environment. Emma has the innate understanding on how to create harmony and balance deep in the energetic levels, so the body experiences a massive amount of release in a very short amount of time. Highly recommend her to anyone.”

Timea B.


focus photography of sunflower
focus photography of sunflower
